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Healing Techniques

 ThetaHealing and Quantum Being ® 

Source - and Quantum Being - Deep Listening to the Emotions

What is ThetaHealing®?

The ThetaHealing Technique is a world-renowned healing method channeled by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her personal journey back to health. It is a technique of meditation and spiritual philosophy, not specific to one religion, but accepting all of them, with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to identify and clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in everything you do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing technique creates a positive lifestyle.


"If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be?"


The ThetaHealing technique has been used to treat a wide variety of physical, emotional and spiritual problems.


I see the sessions as a dance, where a theme can take us to a past life, a distant memory or the future as well. They are performed in a very relaxed, semi-meditative state.

What is Quantumbeing®?

Quantum Being is a practice of a deep connection with emotions, allowing us to listen to our bodies and inner feelings to better understand the processes that happen within us and thus maintain a state of presence that allows us to let emotions flow. Act instead of react, feel to avoid resentment in d situationsday by day so that we could create a reality of being present all the time, letting it flow and not keeping it. Emotions  feelings accumulate inside our body thus causing many emotional and physical illnesses if we don't face them and let them go.

According to the Quantum Being study, EMOTION means:

E = energy | motion = movement.

In other words, energy in motion.


Emotions need to flow in our body so that no energy center (chakra) is blocked, allowing our body to release what needs to be released. Everything we try to repress or hide grows inside us and can gain a force beyond our control. What we try to resist persists. When an emotion arises in us, it already exists. Whether we want it or not.


Quantum Being was developed by the Israeli therapist and professor of Theta Healing, Or Koren, after a season of self-discovery in the desert, where he received this beautiful and powerful technique.

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What are the Akashic Records?

In the Universe nothing is lost. Every memory of the cosmos and of any energy that has passed through it is stored in the Akashic Records, including you, from the moment you detached yourself from the Source. There is absolutely everything about you as a multidimensional being. Your past, parallel and future lives; the reason for your traumas, blockages and repetition patterns that prevent you from living fully. There you will find the answers that you have been looking for so long looking at your starry, soul fractals that need to be seen and integrated. 

The Technique I use is the VAM (Multidimensional Akashic Traveler), channeled and created by @aleluzterapias and it was a technique that opened up many things for me and brought a lot to all the other techniques I use. 

How is an Akashic Record Reading performed?

The reading takes place individually, I ask permission from the person who opened your record  and I only witness what the Universe wants to show that person in their present moment.  The witnessing is recorded in audio and the client receives the recording at the end, which can last between 20 minutes and an hour. Even short, they are really always powerful and relevant. Usually it is an area that needs healing that the person carries from another past existence, both on Earth and before incarnating on Earth. It can also bring you information about your galactic origin and even a parallel or future life, depending on what is important to be seen at that moment by spiritual mentors. In addition to the testimony of that existence, the rescue of that fractal is carried out by integrating it into your current SELF, thus performing a deep healing or activation. 

        Akashic Records Reading

      Source of part of the text-@aleluzterapias

 Emotional Massage (FAME) 


What is the Emotional Massage?

According to Germanic medicine and many others, many illnesses originate from unresolved internal conflicts or traumatic experiences, experienced alone. We often tend to accumulate emotions in the body, which then become physical problems. It's like that pain in your stomach when you remember an angry or anxious situation, for example.  

Hence the importance of being able to accompany people with the EMOTIONAL MASSAGE, which allows, from Ayurveda, to release emotions blocked or contained and provides a feeling of rejuvenation and
well-being to the Being. Body, mind and emotions in harmony allow the person's energy to be at an ideal level, eliminating mental and physical fatigue and promoting 
 health prevention.

Identifying the parts of the body where emotion is stuck or accumulated and helping it flow allows the release of energies that have been stuck for a long time, giving a feeling of physical but also emotional relief. 


Like any energy, everything has to flow and this massage allows that. When used with other techniques such as those mentioned above, on an energetic level, the result is very powerful.


Emotional massage mixes techniques from Ayurveda, Thai Massage, Aromatherapy and music frequencies for a deep and liberating experience.

Can't find the answer to your question? Contact me!


"The natural healing force in each of us is the greatest force for getting well"


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